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  • Is Reachout Ministries affiliated with a specific church or denomination?


No, Reachout Ministries is an independent non-denominational para church ministry.  Our statement of faith is generic and adheres to traditional evangelical Christianity.  Our board attends various churches in their communities.


  • Does Reachout Ministries plan to expand their work into other communities or countries?


We are open to expanding to other cities and other countries as God leads us.Although, we will go wherever God sends us, at this time, we believe our work will be limited to Latin America.


  • If I renew my sponsorship of a child on the website, will the funds go to support my child?


Yes, definitely.We maintain a list of the children and the sponsor they are matched with.When you renew, your child is able to stay in the program and will continue to receive all the benefits.


  • What will happen to my child if I am unable to continue sponsoring him or her?


Once a child is in our program, we try hard to keep them matched to a sponsor.  If you are unable to continue sponsoring your child, we will match them to the next available sponsor.  Sometimes, children are on a waiting list until a sponsor becomes available.  Because the program is critical to the educational and spiritual success of the child, we make every effort to keep them in the program.


  • there a monthly payment option rather than a single annual gift?


Yes.  While a one time annual payment is the most commonly used method of supporting a child with Reachout Ministries, we realize that not everyone is able to do that and that monthly support might work easier in your budget.  To do that, you will need to contact your financial institution and ask them to do a monthly draw from your account.You will need to provide them with our name and address.They will withdraw the money from your account and send us a check each month.You may also choose to split your annual support into two payments.


  • Are all my gifts to Reachout Ministries tax deductible?


 â€‹Yes. Reachout Ministries is a 501c.3 nonprofit charitable organization recognized by the IRS.You will receive a statement of your giving at the end of each year.


  • Why is my child no longer in the program?


Our staff try very hard to keep children in our program.Most of the children stay in the program until they complete their education.However, there are exceptions.Sometimes families move from the area for a variety of reasons.Some children stop attending school in spite of our best efforts.Others have parents who do not cooperate with our staff to attend meetings.Children are expected to participate in a minimal number of church related activities such as youth group at least once a month.Parents are encouraged to live a lifestyle that promotes healthy values for their children.Children are dropped from the program only after many attempts to reconcile these issues.You will be matched to another child if your child is no longer in the program.


  • Are there ways to support Reachout Ministries other than sponsoring a child?


There are many needs that are not covered by the support of a child.  The support provides for the benefits that the children receive including their uniforms, shoes, backpacks, daily nutrition, etc.  None of the other expenses are covered by the support for a child.  We maintain a 15 passenger van in Guatemala and rent a van in Colombia.  We have the cost of materials that we use for instruction in English and for the academic help we provide.  We provide fun activities for the children at least once a year.  We pay our staff a nominal amount for their hard work.None of these costs are covered by the support for a child.Additional gifts throughout the year are needed to maintain this ministry and are greatly appreciated.  A check can be mailed to our office address or gifts can be given by credit card by calling our office or on our website.


  • We welcome your questions and comments.  We may be reached by mail at Reachout Ministries 14058 Cottage Grove Ct., Holland, MI 49424 or by email at







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